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- From: "Rainer Riedl" <Rainer.Riedl@edi.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>
- Date: Thu, 23 Jun 1994 15:26:00 MET-1
- Subject: Digest
- Priority: normal
- Message-Id: <DC497246E3@edi.ngate.uni-regensburg.de>
- Precedence: bulk
- > Background information is nice; having a short note about when it was
- > ratified and how many people were on the list to help create it would
- Put it in a different file and not in the program, please, where you can
- delete it after reading (perhaps as a hyper text file for ST-Guide). In the
- program only the icon and the level and only some words. Think of hundreds
- [hope so:-) ] PRGs being conform to the gem-list standard and every PRG has
- 10kB of the same information in it...
- The proposed icon with the number in it isn't good, because of the limit of
- 9 levels.
- > Shift ASCII 1 Up arrow
- > CTRL ASCII 94 ^
- > ALT ASCII 7 same as FULLER
- perhaps editable in the later apps-def.sys for use with different fonts that
- have not equivalent charcters.
- > The straight forward way to do the same with blocks ist to use
- > Shift+CTRL B and Shift+CTRL E to mark an additional block.
- agreed
- > Conclusion: including a list of internationally available key combinations
- > in the shortcut standard is necessary IMO.
- Very good!
- > I'm sure that accepting * + - 0 from both numpad and keyboard will please
- > lots of ST, Falcon and ST-BOOK users.
- agreed
- >I don't like your idea of using a capital or lower-case letter for
- >shift. I like the up-arrow because it makes it obvious what needs to be
- >pressed.
- >
- >I agree.
- Me too.
- > (Come on, if we can learn the German `Laden', we can at least learn
- You did ;-)
- I've learned the English 'load' too:-)